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Pic by Ashlee McLernon |
"You get hurt, people die, animal goes extinct. Life's a dread. People have different views. Forgive others, forgive yourself, give a chance to others, and yourself, make a change. It's ok not to be happy, it's human nature, we're born with different emotions. Society always tell us to be happy but that's definitely not gonna happen all day everyday."
Cheryl Choe is from Singapore with a big and loud personality. She holds a Diploma in Music Business and Integrated Event Management. She also has a Bachelor certificate in Commerce majoring in International Business. She has already achieved so many things in this industry and she dreams of running her own fashion show one day.
In this Interview she talks about her initial steps in modeling career and achievements, her love towards outdoor activities, and also she has some good advices to upcoming models and many more things that a aspiring model must know in order to build her career.
Facebook Page : Cheryl Choe
Cheryl Choe is from Singapore with a big and loud personality. She holds a Diploma in Music Business and Integrated Event Management. She also has a Bachelor certificate in Commerce majoring in International Business. She has already achieved so many things in this industry and she dreams of running her own fashion show one day.
In this Interview she talks about her initial steps in modeling career and achievements, her love towards outdoor activities, and also she has some good advices to upcoming models and many more things that a aspiring model must know in order to build her career.
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Pic by Tami Xiang |
Facebook Page : Cheryl Choe
Website : Cheryl Say
Melvi - First of all, thanks a lot for approving this interview and please share us what things are keeping you busy these days and what does fashion really means to you?
Cheryl - Hello! Thanks for the interview. I'm a full-time bartender, and working hospitality in Singapore pretty much means 3/4 of your life are dedicated to work. Cause you have to take into consideration that after you wake up, get ready to go to to work, for about 10 to 12 hours, and when you get home, it's usually at unearthly hours and there's nothing much you can do as you feel exhausted after a long day of work so you head to bed and the same thing goes on the very next day.
Melvi - Would you like to share us few things about your modeling career?
Cheryl - There're too many too share! I've learnt heaps about people, how we all think differently, but it's pretty cool when you meet someone that have the same mentality with you. Most importantly, we share the same passion and never to give up what you love.
Melvi - Beside modeling what are the other things you have been involved?
Cheryl - I've always been in the events and hospitality industry, which comprises of music, parties, etc. Stuff that gets you wasted essentially. Haha. But on the other hand I do love outdoor activities, I use to be in volleyball, I love playing basketball, and learning how to skateboard even though I suck at it. LOL. I love rock climbing too, and many more. Last year I actually picked up pole dancing, and this year I'm picking up DJ-ing classes. I just like learning random stuff. Planning to go to Phuket to learn Muay Thai next year too!
Melvi - If there's no photo shoot and other things to do then how you will spend your day?
Cheryl - Work mainly, or sleep, which I'm deprive off. Or preparing for the next shoot and getting ready for my personal projects :)
Melvi - How do people responses to your work?
Cheryl - Most of my mates are amazed and they think it's really pretty or beautiful, which I thank most HMUAs that created that. And the photographer that manage to capture that moment. It's just an amazing feeling to know that people appreciate your work.
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Pic by Benjamin Siew |
Cheryl - It isn't easy, especially when I do mainly nude, and especially being in Singapore, a 1st world country with a 3rd world mentality. I've struggled, but now, I couldn't care less about what people think because you can never satisfy every single individual on earth.
Melvi - What do you want to accomplish from this industry?
Cheryl - I just want to prove that, anyone of any races, that are short, and alternative, with tattoos etc, can make it mainstream too. It doesn't have to be girls that are 1.8m and above to be consider as a model.
Melvi - How would you describe your style? What is fun and interesting about your style?
Cheryl - I wouldn't say I have a style. Haha. I'm a chameleon. I'm a plain canvas. I can be transformed to any look with the right clothes and makeup. The left side of my body is covered with tattoo, which makes me very "alternative" I'd say, and the right side is clean, hence i can still go for the commercial look.
Melvi - When you first started modeling how much you were serious about this profession?
Cheryl - I was seriously involved with modeling work. I just never thought that I'd make it this far. I've always been doing it freelance, part-time. If I got ask to do a job I'll take it but if I don't I never bother looking for it. But now I realized that this is one thing I'm actually good at and I'm planning to do it full time next year before my youth runs out!
Melvi - Who are some of your fave local models, designers and photographers?
Cheryl - I started modeling in Singapore 6 years ago but mainly doing amature hotel glamour lingerie stuff. I only properly started my modeling career when I was in Perth for my studies a couple of years back, hence mainly these people are those that I've known in Perth. Jasmine Ng, a good mate of mine, I'd say is my favourite model, very aspiring model, and so is Peach Pankhurst, a model, and now a crystal jewelry designer, a happy hippie which brings joy to people! I haven't actually worked with many designers but I'd say Sheridan Joyce, she used me for her university assignment, and I was really excited cause for once, my height wasn't a problem, and she gave me the opportunity to represent her work. After which, I got another job and modeled for Mal K Maduka, another amazing designer which than scored a mentorship with the legendary Jimmy Choo. I have too many photographers that I adore so I'm gonna name a few, Julie Brooker, Ashlee McLernon, Lem Cheng Hai, Kevin Lee, Simon Marshall, Martin Quinlan, Khaliesah Anastasi, Tami Xiang, Darren Wirth, Collin Kerr, Danny Reardon, Benjamin Siew, etc. Also since I've included the photographers, I have to name some of the hairstylists and makeup artists that could make it possible, cause without them, I'd be just a plain Jane. They are Zennie Cassan, Lauren Payne, Sarah Penno, Lisa Polini, Boom Jui, Ted Ng, Dollvina Van Luyn, Sheereen Lewis, etc. These are the people that I've personally worked with them. They are an absolute joy to work with and without them, I wouldn't be where I am.
Melvi - How do you communicate with media out there? Are they professionally interested to help models like you?
Cheryl - I usually just use Facebook, Instagram or Model Mayhem, and I sort out everything by myself. In terms of looking for work or advertising, it's a one man operation job.
Melvi - What kind of environment you look forward in your shooting?
Cheryl - I believe that every studio/location I'm at, I have to feel safe. Of course there has to have mutual trust between the photographer and yourself. If anyone feels uneasy during a set, the images wouldn't turn out great that's for sure.
Melvi - What is your opinion on the current state of modeling around the world?
Cheryl - The alternatives are becoming more mainstream, which is amazing. There are more opportunities given to people. Freelance models are actually as equally good as agency models.
Melvi - How much do you believe in this, success depends more on what you know than whom you know?
Cheryl - To a certain extend, yes. I've had my fair share of luck by being selected for a casting, then the next subsequent jobs are recommended from the people that we use to work together. Sometimes I get a random tag from Facebook by a mate (that isn't in the industry), to some post that is looking for a model.
Melvi - How has modeling changed other aspects of your life?
Cheryl - I can be whoever I want, during a shoot. It allows me to bring out my creativity in the busy environment I lived in. It gives me a voice.
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Pic by Benjamin Siew |
Melvi - What is the best and least thing you like about modeling? What will be your piece of advice to new comers?
Cheryl - Best thing would be the satisfaction of the outcome, it's always worth it. The least is the usual politics and bitching in every industry. You get hated on but this is life. It's a dog eat dog world out there. My best advice would be don't give up. Find something that you're good at and use that as your strength.
Melvi - Name at least 5 things that we don't know about you or didn't came up in this interview.
Cheryl - 1. I like rubber ducks and I collect them. Lol. 2. I sleep in the same room with mum, dad, sister and sister's boyfriend. 3. I don't like eating veggies. 4. I'm an emotional freak, I cry when I'm happy, or sad, or excited. Haha. 5. Lastly, I like fishing :D
Melvi - From your experience what are the things that makes a good model and good photographers?
Cheryl - Being a good model doesn't mean just having a good face, do some research, learn some poses, turn up for your shoot on time, don't accept a job cause it's paid and then turns out that you have certain restrictions. Being a good photographer I'd say be respectful, of course that goes 2 way, but never ever touch a model, without permission, know your stuff, if you're a new photographer, be honest. Lastly, be honest, communication goes both way, discuss a shoot and plan well before the actual shoot, it's not something you can just rock up in jeans or skirt and go to a location with a DSLR. Unless either of you gets paid, that's a different story.
Cheryl - Being a good model doesn't mean just having a good face, do some research, learn some poses, turn up for your shoot on time, don't accept a job cause it's paid and then turns out that you have certain restrictions. Being a good photographer I'd say be respectful, of course that goes 2 way, but never ever touch a model, without permission, know your stuff, if you're a new photographer, be honest. Lastly, be honest, communication goes both way, discuss a shoot and plan well before the actual shoot, it's not something you can just rock up in jeans or skirt and go to a location with a DSLR. Unless either of you gets paid, that's a different story.
Melvi - Of all the events you have been part of which is your most memorable one?
Cheryl - There's too many to name, from the first time I did my first catwalk for a hairs how, to my first outdoor shoot in the nature, and trying to hide from the public when doing nude. Haha. It's been an exciting adventure. Too many to even remember :)
Melvi - Ok, this space is for you. You can say anything here like, message to our readers, or things that we forgot to ask or you felt like sharing with us.
Cheryl - This is a bit off from modeling but as we all know, the world is becoming a sad sad place to live in. Many a times I felt that life isn't worth while. You get hurt, people die, animal goes extinct. Life's a dread. People have different views. Forgive others, forgive yourself, give a chance to others, and yourself, make a change. It's ok not to be happy, it's human nature, we're born with different emotions. Society always tell us to be happy but that's definitely not gonna happen all day everyday. Never take things for granted. I'm not a saint, nor I'm the kindest soul. I've done several mistakes. I'm not the best, but I try to be better than yesterday. Peace. x
About Melvi :
Country :- Nepal
Contact :- railahsiv@gmail.com
Melvi Store :- Melvi
And we are taking submission to publish from this blog. So send us your band biography, modeling profile, photography works, articles, poems etc. at railahsiv@gmail.com