She is the girl next door but her brain, beauty and dreams is what makes her different from others. She still possess the little childish attitude in her. Also she is a book lover, interested in economics, favorite color is red.
The under graduate student of physiotherapy in Mangalore. She is quite an extrovert and love getting indulged in new experiences and getting to know people, knowing where they come from and their stories. She have quite a passion for photography as well and making life a music on her own. Beside she is hard working and dedicated towards her career. She is eager to learn here. She wants to kiss the success and she wants to help people whenever there is a situation.
Melvi caught up with her and asked some random questions. And she has beautifully answered them all.

Melvi - Hello Aasma, first of all congratulations for your achievement at Miss Teen 2015.Please tell us why do you choose to be a model? Are you thinking to make this field your career?
Aasmah - Thank you for the compliments. As a teenager it's most of the girl's dream to look perfect, do something on her own, create her own identity and spread the good vibes around. This's why I choose to be a model and yes, I'm setting up for it to make my career in modeling.
Melvi - How much do you know about Fashion Industry?
Aasmah - I won't say I know it completely but as far as I know that's enough for me to let my career be in it. And with time I will learn everything in this industry.
Melvi - What are your goals as a model and how do you see yourself progress in this industry?
Aasmah - I want to become a successful model. I would love to get engaged in social service afterwards, so that I could help people in their lives.
Melvi - Have you attended any modeling courses or any other related courses?
Aasmah - Yes I have :)
Melvi - What do you want to accomplish in this industry?
Aasmah - I want to win titles like every other girls and become a successful model of this business.
Melvi - Ok, who do you think are successful models in Nepali Fashion Industry?
Aasmah - It's a long list. For quick reference Shristi Shrestha and Niti Shah.
Melvi - Is there any person you follow from Nepali Fashion Industry?
Aasmah - I am following Miss Sadikshya Shrestha and Shristi Shrestha, also learning from them.
Melvi - From your point of view what things makes a good models and good photographers?
Aasmah - Beauty with brain will definitely make you good model along with a perfect positive vibe of attitude, a bold judgement over self, and obliviously a perfect body language.
About photographer I don't know much but, a perfect imagination and far sighted mind who could actually view things from every camera point could be the best one.
Melvi - Which fashion magazines, websites, blogs do you visit most often?
Aasmah - Forbes, Vogue etc. Also I go through Navyata and Glamour Nepal. And I visit the blog of Swanky Rana.
Melvi - Beside Miss Teen have you done any other modeling projects?
Aasmah - Yes I am doing a music video which is going to release soon.
Melvi - How would you describe your style?
Aasmah - I've been brought up traditionally and I have noticed lot of changes in style since childhood. So whatever is comfortable I wear it with confidence.
Melvi - Are you confident that you can make yourself a name in Nepali Fashion Industry?
Aasmah - Well I believe I am confident enough to do bring best in me. I will just focus myself in my work and in the end, all the achievements are so precious and dear.
Melvi - What's your view towards the current state of modeling field in Nepal?
Aasmah - I am just taking my first step in this field and I cannot state the situation from this step. Let me grow and learn here for few years and I will tell you what exactly is the state of modeling field in Nepal.
Melvi - What can we expect from Aasmah i next few years?
Aasmah - As I have mentioned before I am very much dedicated towards this field. I can't say exactly what to expect from me but I will keep doing my best.
Melvi - Three things we don't know about Aasmah Giri.
Aasmah - Dedicated, hard working and little bit childish.
Rapid Fire :
a.) Books or Phone.
Aasmah - Books.
b.) Public School or Private School.
Aasmah - Private school.
c.) Economics or Politics.
Aasmah - Ecomoics
d.) City Life or Village Life.
Aasmah - City life.
Melvi - Lastly, thank you so much Aasmah for taking out time for us. Any words for our readers?
Aasmah - Well thank you for making myself known to the readers. What else a girl want who is in modeling field? And thanks to who is reading this too. Ha Ha enough of thanks giving no? Well lastly Keep loving and supporting me.
Melvi wishes her so much of good luck for her future projects.
And we are taking submissions to publish from this blog. So send us your band biography, modeling profile, photography works, articles, poems etc. at
keep that spirit up sweetheart :)